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This blog represents my own personal thoughts, feelings and reflections of events; it does not necessarily represent those opinions of the British Red Cross or any further extension of the Red Cross organisation, including any of its members, both voluntary and staff.
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Sunday, 27 April 2008

Yet another merry Moto X

Moto X time again! And what a hot day it was too. Hot enough to take off the old RC sweatshirt and roam around in the t-shirt instead, therefore exposing my arms to the sunlight and getting...sun burnt. My nose got sun burnt too, so I've earned the new nickname of Rudolph at the moment.
However the warm weather meant no rain, so for once it wasn't wet or cold at Woodside. Instead the blue skies put everyone in good spirits, and even the casualties remained few and far between. I think there was about four or five at the end of it; nothing too major, apart from one lad who had torn a tendon in his foot, and another with a rather nasty graze. There were three grazes actually. Oh, and one guy who'd stabbed himself in the thigh whilst mucking around with a pen knife, which thankfully didn't turn out to be too bad.
The sunshine also meant I could nick a pair of shades from a fellow first aider and strut around in them too; I personally think it added to the whole RC uniform and Hi Vis image, hehe.
I think the temporary baseball cap addition was a bit to far though.

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