Belladrum was off the cards for a wee while.
At first it seemed like a great idea, but I ditched it in the end, feeling bad for skipping the Wolftrek duty I was originally down for last weekend (and the fact that I'd be missing several parties too.)
But as fate would have it, the big boss had other ideas.
Caitlind and I were called to perform our first aiding brilliance for a film shoot at Belladrum on the Friday afternoon. First aiding is one thing, and doing the job with a live, interfering audience is another. But first aiding whilst being filmed?
Steve took us over in Red Echo 8 - the finest looking ambo for the job.
It was a good jaunt over actually, but it would have been better for me if my stomach was a little bit more... settled. Riding in the back of a bouncy ambulance - while it fights its way through Inverness - with a hangover is not a good combination. Yes, I had been at a party the night before... and the night before that... and the night before that... and even the night before that. So by Friday morning I was very tender.
Self inflicted, take no pity.
Anyway, after stopping off at a burger bar in Inversneckie's suburbs (it's turning into Steve on the burger van tour '09) we finally entered Belladrum country.

An incredibly rocky road made for jittery riding - I was incredibly close to losing the energy drink I had just started. In fact, I thought my entire stomach content was about to make a re-appearance, which is very unlike me as I usually have a very strong constitution. Just shows how bad that road actually was!
You can imagine my relief when we pulled to a stop beside the hospital tent with portaloos next door.
Anyhoo... the weather was scortching! Fine luck for the festival goers, who were enjoying the hippy-style festival culture which Belladrum had.
Belladrum is very different to Rockness. Although there are still the rowdy party-goers, who rave at night and drink and snort drugs during the day, there is a greater family element at Belladrum. There were even fun tents for the kids, and crafty stalls and so forth which were family-orientated. The number of people there was smaller too, so there were no crushing crowds. In fact, everything felt that bit more relaxed. A fine duty to cover.
Now, I suppose I should explain why we were being filmed in the first place, and why it happened to be Caitlind and my good self. Well, sod's law meant the pair of us were chosen. And the footage was to be a part of a larger film promoting the good work of the British Red Cross. I don't know where or when it's gonna be shown, but I wouldn't mind seeing our moment in the spotlight (I'm vain that way).
Our filming was meant to start at half 3. Of course, half 3 came and went. Then it was 4. Then half 4. And finally, at just before 5 o'clock, the camera crew came - a single woman with a fancy camcorder - and the shooting began.
The plan was to film Caitlind and myself tending to a casualty, loading them into the ambo and treating them, etc. We were gonna use Ben for such a job, but suddenly the stakes were raised - a real casualty was willing to be filmed for the footage.
Thankfully Caitlind knew how to work the loading ramp like a pro, and our casualty - despite having a very sore leg which was either strained or broken but very bandaged up - was quite happy to walk onto the ramp and into the ambo with some assistance. This meant no bloomin' trolley bed to unattach and re-secure, which put me at greater ease. Although I can do this - kind of - I haven't had much practice with it, and I'd probably get it stuck, or not secure it properly. The last thing we needed was to watch our casualty roll out the back doors on her trolley bed as we pulled away from the hospital tent.
So as Caitlind worked the gizmos, I assisted our female casualty onto the ramp and into the ambo, sitting her down on the trolley bed and making her as comfortable and as safe as I possibly could. Her partner joined us in the back, and I was left to stand and casually blether to them as Caitlind shut the back and side doors. Then, with her strapping herself into the front seat by the boss, the ambo pulled out and headed along the road up to the campsite.
And that was a wrap.
For roughly five or ten minutes of film footage, we waited for almost three hours in the blistering heat. I'm not complaining like - we witnessed Belladrum for the first time, and marvelled at how pretty and accommodating it was. I love hippy stuff, so this was pretty cool. It also gave us a chance to take loads of pictures, and meet with some mates from the Inversneckie area. Really it was a brill afternoon, and now (as if the Caring Hero award video wasn't enough) Caitlind, Steve and me are gonna be film stars again!
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