By T.T, I don't mean T-total... that's still applicable until Manchester NA on Friday night =]
No, what I mean is this weekend was in fact Trauma Management training, and muggins & Co became casualties for the two days, getting bloodied up (again) and freezing our asses off for people to treat us.
Apart from the potential hypothermia, it was actually an ace weekend. Saturday was a workshop day, which Caitlind and I observed/joined in with on the odd occassion, with today (Sunday) consisting of several scenarios set up to test the skills of our unsuspecting first aiders. Now try saying that last line when you're drunk!
It was interesting watching everyone, and experiencing the different ways in which groups treated you. Everyone had their slightly different methods of dealing with your injury, and admittedly some were slightly better than others!
So rather than letting words describe, I'll let pictures do the talking instead.
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