Please See Before you read...

This blog represents my own personal thoughts, feelings and reflections of events; it does not necessarily represent those opinions of the British Red Cross or any further extension of the Red Cross organisation, including any of its members, both voluntary and staff.
Additionally, they do not necessarily reflect any opinions or attitudes of the staff and people I meet within the health care environments I work in when on placement.

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Saturday, 24 May 2008

Indiana Jokes...

I was told what I found to be a brilliant joke today after seeing the new Indiana Jones movie with one of my pals. It goes something like this:

A brunette, red-head and blonde each went to a job interview.
The manager interviewed each of them, asking them your typical interview-type questions, like "do you have any previous work experience?" and so forth.
Then the manager asked each of them one final question; "How many 'd's' are there in 'Indiana Jones'?"
"One" the brunette replied.
"One" the red head replied.
"Em, can I borrow a calculator ?" the blonde asked. The manager gave her a calculator and she worked out her answer. She later returned to the manager and replied triumphantly "36."
Confused, the manager asked her how did she get 36, and the blonde replied; "du-du-du duu, du-du duuu!"

Sunday, 11 May 2008

A Ceilidh and Collcting - Red Cross Appeal Week

Friday night was Ceilidh night, in the true fashion of the Red Cross, which meant a nice combo of drinking, dancing and the odd first aid joke. Plus raising money for the Red Cross, of course.
It was actually a really good night; the band were awesome and the mini bar was a good addition - I got treated to my first pint! Ironically enough, I think. And amazingly not one person got injured...well, not until the end when one first aider fell over her ankle in the middle of the dance floor (she'll know who she is if she ever reads this!).
When it finally finished at half past midnight, it was time to walk home - well, into town at least - to bag a taxi.
Then, an early start the next morning (7.45am thank you very much) to get ready to go into town and do some collecting in St Giles centre. Although this consisted of standing around with buckets and waiting for generous members of the public to cough up some loose change for the good of the RC, it was surprisingly good fun. We had a good laugh - the three of us who were on the 'early shift' - and people were generally very willing to donate some money. So despite being slightly tired from the night before, with sore feet and intense hunger pains (???), it was really good, and we got some nice remarks from some people, commenting on the fact that the RC does some wonderful work.
Well, indeed we do, and we balance it out well with the partying side too.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Self Defense - Paramedic Style!

The other night at the good old Red Cross we were taught the wonders of self defense, paramedic style.
Now, it's not the kind where you go martial arts mad - rather it's how to get yourself out of tight spots and tricky situations when your either drunken, drugged up or just plain aggressive casualties decide to take a swing at you.
It was really interesting, and good fun. In fact, we all had a good laugh trying to save ourselves from each other using our newly learnt techniques.
Plus, it turned out I had met our paramedic trainer before. It was the same guy who I had talked to in street about getting work experience with the local ambo dept. (yes, I chased after a paramedic in the street - it was purely on impulse, and I wanted to know if it was possible; you can't blame me for being eager ^-^).
What made it even better was that he actually recognised me, so he made a sly joke about it in front of everyone - thankfully no one else knew the person he was referring to was me.
But hey, the night was a laugh, and now the next time someone holds me in a headlock, I'll be ready for them.